
images of section elements for opportunities

Organizational changes

Changes in the structure of the organization, such as reorganization and establishment of system units within it, reconstruction of legacy systems, change in approach to organizational units, and etc. (eg establishing a quality improvement system).

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Process changes

Establishing of new or optimization of existing business processes, such as increasing efficiency, establishing cost reduction systems, implementing new methodologies or process standardization. (eg TQM – Total Quality Management).

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Technological changes

Introducing new technologies or upgrading existing systems. It refers to the transition to the use of new software platforms, the automatizon of processes, the use of advanced analytical tools, the creation of projects for personalized ERP solutions etc. (eg creating an ERP solution for product quality monitoring).

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Commercial changes

Changes in consumer demand requirements, economic conditions, market demands and etc. It refers to accepting the adaptation of a new marketing strategy, product or service in order to adequately respond to new opportunities or threats in an active market. (e.g. implementation of changes in the introduction of new product range).

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Legal changes

Establishing of a system for monitoring legal changes and compliance with new laws, regulations or standards, which can significantly affect changes in the way of doing business, production or providing services. (eg harmonization of CBAM regulations).

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Social changes

Changes related to work culture, employee engagement, additional training and enhancing employee talent development. It also includes changes in team management, new motivations and ways of communication within the organization. (eg organization of thematic workshops with employees with the aim of accepting a certain change).

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Multioptional changes

It refers to the field of strategic changes related to long-term goals and plans of the organization. This may include changing business strategy, entering new markets, changing the complete range of products or services, changing tools and machines, changing layouts, dislocating production facilities, and etc. (eg switching to a complete new business system).


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First phase

Through a systematic analysis of the initial state, we achieve an understanding of the process, on the basis of which we create a strategy and plan for the implementation of changes, in accordance with the client's visions. We monitor the implementation of the created plan and carry out periodic revisions, in accordance with the feedback from the participants of the change process.

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Second phase

Based on the results achieved through the first phase of change, we create a revised solution, while identifying and removing obstacles in the form of resistance from participants in the change. In addition, we continue to monitor the acceptance of changes in the system, from all aspects of business.

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Third phase

In the case of need, we revise the existing change plan, while neutralizing potential resistance on the way to change. We monitor the infiltration of changes in the system and train employees to independently manage new changes that occur in the existing system.


image of the section element for collaboration

Single phase package

Three-month cooperation agreement

Observation and creation of a report on the initial state

Preparation of the recommendation of the change plan at the quarterly level

Implementation of a coordinated change plan

Reporting on Change Implementation Achievements

The possibility of extending the contract for six or twelve months

Request an offer

*The price varies according to the number and complexity of the desired changes. After you contact us, we will provide you with an offer with precisely defined prices.

image of the section element for collaboration

Two-phase package

Six-month cooperation agreement

Observation and creation of a report on the initial state

Preparation of the recommendation of the change plan at the six-month level, through two stages of revision of the initial plan

Implementation of a harmonized plan of changes with the inclusion of two revisions of the initial plan according to feedback during the implementation of the project

Reporting on Change Implementation Achievements

The possibility of extending the contract for twelve months

Request an offer

*The price varies according to the number and complexity of the desired changes. After you contact us, we will provide you with an offer with precisely defined prices.

image of the section element for collaboration

Three-phase package

Annual Cooperation Agreement

Observation and creation of a report on the initial state

Preparation of the recommendation of the change plan on an annual level, through three stages of revision of the initial plan

Implementation of a harmonized change plan with the inclusion of three revisions of the initial plan according to feedback during the implementation of the project

Reporting on Change Implementation Achievements

The possibility of changing the contract to an advanced package

Request an offer

*The price varies according to the number and complexity of the desired changes. After you contact us, we will provide you with an offer with precisely defined prices.

image of the section element for collaboration

Advanced package

Exclusive (multi-)year cooperation agreement

Observation and preparation of reports on the initial state with the possibility of revision at each stage of the implementation of the plan

Preparation of a change plan recommendation on a (multiple) year level, with the exclusive right to include requests for additional changes during the cooperation period

Active participation in the implementation of any type of change in the system, together with employees in the company

Reporting on Change Implementation Achievements

The possibility of obtaining additional discounts in case of multi-year cooperation

Request an offer

*The price varies according to the number and complexity of the desired changes. After you contact us, we will provide you with an offer with precisely defined prices.


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*Thank you for your interest. Expect feedback within one work day.